MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017) : Test Blender Benchmark sur Big Sur

Voici le résultat du test :

"benchmark_client": {
"client_version": "1.0b2"
"blender_version": {
"build_commit_date": "2018-03-22",
"build_commit_time": "14:10",
"build_date": "2018-03-22",
"build_hash": "f4dc9f9",
"build_time": "21:48:25",
"version": "2.79 (sub 0)"
"device_info": {
"compute_devices": [
"Intel Core i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz"
"device_type": "CPU",
"num_cpu_threads": 8
"scenes": [
"name": "barbershop_interior",
"stats": {
"device_memory_usage": 2341.5,
"device_peak_memory": 2341.58,
"pipeline_render_time": 2946.86,
"render_time_no_sync": 2896.97,
"result": "OK",
"total_render_time": 2945.8
"name": "bmw27",
"stats": {
"device_memory_usage": 140.55,
"device_peak_memory": 140.56,
"pipeline_render_time": 580.22,
"render_time_no_sync": 574.657,
"result": "OK",
"total_render_time": 578.833
"name": "classroom",
"stats": {
"device_memory_usage": 295.71,
"device_peak_memory": 295.77,
"pipeline_render_time": 1909.69,
"render_time_no_sync": 1907.64,
"result": "OK",
"total_render_time": 1908.78
"name": "fishy_cat",
"stats": {
"device_memory_usage": 465.3,
"device_peak_memory": 466.65,
"pipeline_render_time": 860.63,
"render_time_no_sync": 849.711,
"result": "OK",
"total_render_time": 859.406
"name": "koro",
"stats": {
"device_memory_usage": 449.47,
"device_peak_memory": 473.3,
"pipeline_render_time": 1205.35,
"render_time_no_sync": 1192.2,
"result": "OK",
"total_render_time": 1205.08
"name": "pavillon_barcelona",
"stats": {
"device_memory_usage": 150.43,
"device_peak_memory": 150.44,
"pipeline_render_time": 1482.2,
"render_time_no_sync": 1478.99,
"result": "OK",
"total_render_time": 1479.97
"system_info": {
"bitness": "64bit",
"cpu_brand": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz",
"devices": [
"name": "Intel Core i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz",
"type": "CPU"
"name": "Intel HD Graphics 630",
"type": "OPENCL"
"name": "AMD Radeon Pro 560 Compute Engine",
"type": "OPENCL"
"machine": "x86_64",
"num_cpu_cores": 4,
"num_cpu_sockets": 1,
"num_cpu_threads": 8,
"system": "Darwin"
"timestamp": "2021-06-11T12:48:21.823185+00:00"

Mon précédent test : . Il y a une perte de performance …. Misère.

Ubuntu 20.04 & VirtualBox 6.1 : Creation d’une VM MacOS Catalina

Suite à l’update en version Ubuntu 20.04 j’ai essayé de faire une nouvelle tentative ! Ma précédente tentative ( ) :

Mes versions :

$ vboxmanage --version
$ cat /etc/os-release 
VERSION="20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS"

Il faut mettre le pack extension pour que cela fonctionne : .

Lancement du script :

$ ./
Waiting for the VirtualBox GUI to shut off.
Please wait
Catalina_BaseSystem.vdi successfully detached from
the virtual machine and released from VirtualBox Manager.

stage: create_target_virtual_disk
Creating target system virtual disk image for "macOS"
Medium created. UUID: 10868994-4a31-4af9-bc2d-0130f283870d

stage: populate_macos_target_disk

Creating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing macOS Terminal scripts
for partitioning and populating the target virtual disk.

The VM will boot from the populated installer base system virtual disk.

Attempting automated recognition of virtual machine graphical user interface.
Please wait
The second open Terminal in the virtual machine copies EFI and NVRAM files
to the target EFI system partition when the installer finishes preparing.

After the installer finishes preparing and the EFI and NVRAM files are copied,
macOS will install and boot up when booting the target disk.

Please wait

For further information, such as applying EFI and NVRAM variables to enable
iMessage connectivity, see the documentation with the following command:

./ documentation | less -R

That's it! Enjoy your virtual machine.

stage: prompt_delete_temporary_files
Temporary files may be deleted when the virtual machine is powered off
and without a suspended state by executing the following command at the script's
working directory:

./ prompt_delete_temporary_files

Push-button installer of macOS on VirtualBox

This script installs only open-source software and unmodified Apple binaries,
and requires about 50GB of available storage, of which 25GB are for temporary
installation files that may be deleted when the script is finished.

The script interacts with the virtual machine twice, please do not interact
with the virtual machine manually before the script is finished.

Documentation about optional configuration, iCloud and iMessage connectivity,
resuming the script by stages, and other topics can be viewed with the
following command:

  ./ documentation | less -R

Press enter to review the script configuration

macOS_release_name="Catalina"    # install "HighSierra" "Mojave" "Catalina"
storage_size=80000               # VM disk image size in MB. minimum 22000
storage_format="vdi"             # VM disk image file format, "vdi" or "vmdk"
cpu_count=2                      # VM CPU cores, minimum 2
memory_size=4096                 # VM RAM in MB, minimum 2048
gpu_vram=128                     # VM video RAM in MB, minimum 34, maximum 128
resolution="1280x800"            # VM display resolution

These values may be customized as described in the documentation.

Press enter to continue, CTRL-C to exit

Catalina selected to be downloaded and installed

stage: prompt_delete_existing_vm

stage: create_vm

stage: check_default_virtual_machine

Checking that VirtualBox starts the virtual machine without errors.

Checking that VirtualBox uses hardware-supported virtualization.

stage: prepare_macos_installation_files

Downloading Apple macOS Catalina software update catalog
Catalina_sucatalog                       100%[===============================================================================>]   6,52M  1,82MB/s    in 3,6s    
Trying to find macOS Catalina InstallAssistant download URL
Catalina_sucatalog_00_InstallAssistantAu 100%[===============================================================================>]  40,05K  --.-KB/s    in 0,03s   
Found download URL:

Downloading macOS installation files from
Catalina_BaseSystem.chunklist            100%[===============================================================================>]   1,97K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      
Catalina_InstallInfo.plist               100%[===============================================================================>]   1,55K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      
Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.dmg            100%[===============================================================================>]   3,00M  1,64MB/s    in 1,8s    
Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.chunklist      100%[===============================================================================>]     328  --.-KB/s    in 0s      
Catalina_BaseSystem.dmg                  100%[===============================================================================>] 475,53M  1,09MB/s    in 5m 47s  
Catalina_InstallESDDmg.pkg               100%[===============================================================================>]   7,21G  1,84MB/s    in 78m 9s  

Splitting the several-GB InstallESDDmg.pkg into 1GB parts because
VirtualBox hasn't implemented UDF/HFS VISO support yet and macOS
doesn't support ISO 9660 Level 3 with files larger than 2GB.
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part00'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part01'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part02'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part03'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part04'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part05'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part06'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part07'

Downloading open-source APFS EFI drivers used for VirtualBox 6.0 and 5.2
...even though VirtualBox version 6.1 or higher is detected.          100%[===============================================================================>]  42,20K  --.-KB/s    in 0,1s    
  inflating: ApfsDriverLoader.efi    
  inflating: AppleImageLoader.efi    
  inflating: AppleUiSupport.efi      

stage: create_nvram_files

stage: create_macos_installation_files_viso
Creating EFI startup script

Creating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing the
installation files from

stage: configure_vm

stage: populate_basesystem_virtual_disk
Converting BaseSystem.dmg to BaseSystem.img

dmg2img v1.6.7 (c) vu1tur (

Catalina_BaseSystem.dmg --> Catalina_BaseSystem.img

opening partition 0 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 1 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 2 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 3 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 4 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 5 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 6 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 7 ...             100.00%  ok

Archive successfully decompressed as Catalina_BaseSystem.img
Converting from raw image file="Catalina_BaseSystem.img" to file="Catalina_BaseSystem.vdi"...
Creating dynamic image with size 2138558464 bytes (2040MB)...

stage: create_bootable_installer_virtual_disk
Creating Catalina installation media virtual disk image.
Medium created. UUID: 73d5bc4e-a63c-4ad0-b10e-897beb33428e

stage: populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk

Creating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing macOS Terminal script
for partitioning and populating the bootable installer virtual disk.

Starting virtual machine "macOS".
This should take a couple of minutes. If booting fails, exit the script by
pressing CTRL-C then see the documentation for information about applying
different CPU profiles in the section CPU profiles and CPUID settings.

Until the script completes, please do not manually interact with
the virtual machine.

Please press enter as directed.

Press enter when the Language window is ready.

Ensuite :

Fin de l’installation :

Waiting for the VirtualBox GUI to shut off.
Please wait      
Catalina_BaseSystem.vdi successfully detached from
the virtual machine and released from VirtualBox Manager.

stage: create_target_virtual_disk
Creating target system virtual disk image for "macOS"
Medium created. UUID: 10868994-4a31-4af9-bc2d-0130f283870d

stage: populate_macos_target_disk

Creating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing macOS Terminal scripts
for partitioning and populating the target virtual disk.

The VM will boot from the populated installer base system virtual disk.

Attempting automated recognition of virtual machine graphical user interface.
Please wait      
The second open Terminal in the virtual machine copies EFI and NVRAM files
to the target EFI system partition when the installer finishes preparing.

After the installer finishes preparing and the EFI and NVRAM files are copied,
macOS will install and boot up when booting the target disk.

Please wait

For further information, such as applying EFI and NVRAM variables to enable
iMessage connectivity, see the documentation with the following command:

  ./ documentation | less -R

That's it! Enjoy your virtual machine.

stage: prompt_delete_temporary_files
Temporary files may be deleted when the virtual machine is powered off
and without a suspended state by executing the following command at the script's
working directory:

  ./ prompt_delete_temporary_files

Il faut etre patient car c’est assez long :

Sur le disque :

/datadisk/VirtualBox/macos-virtualbox$ du -sh *
12K	ApfsDriverLoader.efi
12K	AppleImageLoader.efi
48K	AppleUiSupport.efi
4,0K	Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.chunklist
3,1M	Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.dmg
4,0K	Catalina_BaseSystem.chunklist
476M	Catalina_BaseSystem.dmg
1,6G	Catalina_BaseSystem.vdi
9,2G	Catalina_bootable_installer.vdi
4,0K	Catalina_installation_files.viso
7,3G	Catalina_InstallESDDmg.pkg
954M	Catalina_InstallESD.part00
954M	Catalina_InstallESD.part01
954M	Catalina_InstallESD.part02
954M	Catalina_InstallESD.part03
954M	Catalina_InstallESD.part04
954M	Catalina_InstallESD.part05
954M	Catalina_InstallESD.part06
704M	Catalina_InstallESD.part07
4,0K	Catalina_InstallInfo.plist
4,0K	macOS_bootinst.txt
4,0K	macOS_configure_nvram.txt
4,0K	macOS_csr-active-config.bin
4,0K	macOS_MLB.bin
4,0K	macOS_populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk.viso
4,0K	macOS_populate_macos_target_disk.viso
4,0K	macOS_ROM.bin
324K	macOS_screenshot.png
4,0K	macOS_startosinstall.txt
4,0K	macOS_startup.nsh
4,0K	macOS_system-id.bin
11G	macOS.vdi

/datadisk/VirtualBox/macos-virtualbox$ du -sh 
40G	.

Il faut donc beaucoup d’espace disque pour faire l’installation ….

J’ai donc réussi !

Ménage sur la fin :

/datadisk/VirtualBox/macos-virtualbox$ ./ prompt_delete_temporary_files

Catalina selected to be downloaded and installed

stage: prompt_delete_temporary_files
The following temporary files are safe to delete:

ApfsDriverLoader.efi		     Catalina_BaseSystem.vdi	       Catalina_InstallESD.part04   macOS_MLB.bin
AppleImageLoader.efi		     Catalina_bootable_installer.vdi   Catalina_InstallESD.part05   macOS_populate_bootable_installer_virtual_disk.viso      Catalina_installation_files.viso  Catalina_InstallESD.part06   macOS_populate_macos_target_disk.viso
AppleUiSupport.efi		     Catalina_InstallESDDmg.pkg        Catalina_InstallESD.part07   macOS_ROM.bin
Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.chunklist  Catalina_InstallESD.part00        Catalina_InstallInfo.plist   macOS_screenshot.png
Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.dmg	     Catalina_InstallESD.part01        macOS_bootinst.txt	    macOS_startosinstall.txt
Catalina_BaseSystem.chunklist	     Catalina_InstallESD.part02        macOS_configure_nvram.txt    macOS_startup.nsh
Catalina_BaseSystem.dmg		     Catalina_InstallESD.part03        macOS_csr-active-config.bin  macOS_system-id.bin

Delete temporary files listed above? [y/N] y

/datadisk/VirtualBox/macos-virtualbox$ du -sh 
26G	.

MacOS : ma liste des logiciels utiles

Voici ma liste :

  1. Android File Transfert : 6 Mo (car les iPhone c’est du vol )
  2. Audacity : 83 Mo.
  3. Banktivity 7 : 43 Mo. ( Comptabilité )
  4. Bitdefender : 316 Mo. ( Antivirus )
  5. CodePad : 2 Mo
  6. Cyberduck : 231 Mo
  7. DaisyDisk : 6 Mo
  8. Delicious Library 3 : 108 Mo. ( Gestion de liste )
  9. Docker : 1,4 Go.
  10. FileZilla : 38 Mo ( Client FTP)
  11. Firefox : 205 Mo ( Navigateur )
  12. FTP Server : 5 Mo ( Serveur FTP)
  13. Garmin BaseCamp : 146 Mo ( Garmin )
  14. Garmin Express  :  108 Mo ( Garmin )
  15. GitHub Desktop : 188 Mo ( Outil de dev )
  16. Google Chrome : 467 Mo ( Navigateur )
  17. Google Drive :
  18. GoPro Quick : 575 Mo ( GoPro )
  19. HandBrake : 20 Mo ( Conversion de video )
  20. ImageOptim : 10 Mo ( Compression Image )
  21. iMovie : 2,6 Go ( Montage video )
  22. Joplin : 342 Mo ( Bloc note)
  23. Keynote : 548 Mo (Standard)
  24. KnockKnock : 5 Mo (Securité)
  25. Livres : 55 Mo  (Standard)
  26. Localiser : 8 Mo (Standard)
  27. Lulu installer : (Securité)
  28. Lulu : (Securité)
  29. MacVim : 27 Mo (Editeur)
  30. Mail : 25 Mo : (Standard)
  31. Musique : 94 Mo (Standard)
  32. NextCloud : 380 Mo
  33. Number : 447 Mo (Standard)
  34. OneDrive : 203 Mo
  35. Pages : 504 Mo (Standard)
  36. Photos : 47 Mo (Standard)
  37. PingID : 200 Mo
  38. RubiTrack 5 Pro : 73 Mo ( Sport )
  39. Safari : 42 Mo
  40. SD Card Formatter  : 6 Mo
  41. Skitch : 52 Mo
  42. Skype : 242 Mo
  43. Slack : 194 Mo
  44. Sweet Home 3D : 140 Mo
  45. Synalyze It! : 83 Mo
  46. Tap Forms : 31 Mo
  47. TeamViewer  : 95 Mo
  48. Télégram : 75 Mo
  49. TextEdit : 6 Mo
  50. The Unarchiver : 20 Mo
  51. Time Machine : 2 Mo
  52. TV : 70 Mo (Standard)
  53. Tweetbot : 20 Mo
  54. Typora : 26 Mo
  55. VLC : 137 Mo ( Player Video)
  56. WhatsApp : 331 Mo
  57. WiFi Scanner : 20 Mo
  58. Wireshark : 603 Mo
  59. Zoom : 47 Mo


Script de création automatiquement d’une machine virtuelle de MacOS pour VirtualBox : Echec pour moi !

J’ai donc testé le script suivant : : macos-guest-virtualbox . Le but du script est de faire une machine Virtuel sous Ubuntu. A noter que le déroulement du script est très long, je pense qu’il faut compter 4 heures.

Voici tous le process d’installation :

# wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

# wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

# sudo add-apt-repository "deb bionic contrib" 

# sudo apt update

# sudo apt install virtualbox-6.1 virtualbox-dkms

# sudo apt install libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module

# sudo apt-get install dmg2img

Il est impératif d’avoir une version de virtualbox > 6.1. Par défaut sur Ubuntu on a la version 5.0 …

J’ai donc avant le lancement du script :

$ VBoxManage list extpacks
Extension Packs: 1
Pack no. 0:   Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
Version:      6.1.4
Revision:     136177
Description:  Oracle Cloud Infrastructure integration, USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 Host Controller, Host Webcam, VirtualBox RDP, PXE ROM, Disk Encryption, NVMe.
VRDE Module:  VBoxVRDP
Usable:       true 
Why unusable: 
$ cat /etc/*release
VERSION="18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS"

Ensuite j’ai changé quelques paramètres dans le script et je l’ai lancé :

$ ./ 

                  Push-button installer of macOS on VirtualBox

This script installs only open-source software and unmodified Apple binaries.

The script checks for dependencies and will prompt to install them if unmet.

For iCloud and iMessage connectivity, the script needs to be edited with genuine
or genuine-like Apple parameters. macOS will work without these parameters, but
Apple-connected apps will not.

The installation requires about 40GB of available storage, 20GB for
temporary installation files and 20GB for the virtual machine's dynamically
allocated storage disk image.

Documentation about optional configuration, resuming the script by stages, and
other topics can be viewed with the following command:

  ./ documentation | less -R

Press enter to review the script configuration.

vm_name="macOS"                  # name of the VirtualBox virtual machine
macOS_release_name="Catalina"    # install "HighSierra" "Mojave" or "Catalina"
storage_size=100000               # VM disk image size in MB. minimum 22000
cpu_count=4                      # VM CPU cores, minimum 2
memory_size=36000                 # VM RAM in MB, minimum 2048
gpu_vram=128                     # VM video RAM in MB, minimum 34, maximum 128
resolution="1280x800"            # VM display resolution

These values may be customized as described in the documentation.

Press enter to continue, CTRL-C to exit.

Catalina selected to be downloaded and installed

stage: prompt_delete_existing_vm

stage: create_vm

stage: prepare_macos_installation_files

Downloading Apple macOS Catalina software update catalog
Catalina_sucatalog                          100%[===========================================================================================>]   6,12M   441KB/s    in 18s     
Trying to find macOS Catalina InstallAssistant download URL
Catalina_sucatalog_00_InstallAssistantAuto. 100%[===========================================================================================>]  39,98K  97,7KB/s    in 0,4s    
Found download URL:

Downloading macOS installation files from
Catalina_BaseSystem.chunklist               100%[===========================================================================================>]   1,97K  --.-KB/s    in 0,003s  
Catalina_InstallInfo.plist                  100%[===========================================================================================>]   1,55K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      
Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.dmg               100%[===========================================================================================>]   2,91M   502KB/s    in 6,4s    
Catalina_AppleDiagnostics.chunklist         100%[===========================================================================================>]     328  --.-KB/s    in 0s      
Catalina_BaseSystem.dmg                     100%[===========================================================================================>] 473,56M   893KB/s    in 21m 7s  
Catalina_InstallESDDmg.pkg                   65%[===========================================================>                                ]   4,69G  --.-KB/s    in 2h 46m  
Catalina_InstallESDDmg.pkg                  100%[++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++===============================>]   7,13G   912KB/s    in 50m 54s 

Splitting the several-GB InstallESDDmg.pkg into 1GB parts because
VirtualBox hasn't implemented UDF/HFS VISO support yet and macOS
doesn't support ISO 9660 Level 3 with files larger than 2GB.
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part00'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part01'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part02'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part03'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part04'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part05'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part06'
creating file 'Catalina_InstallESD.part07'

Downloading open-source APFS EFI drivers used for VirtualBox 6.0 and 5.2
...even though that's not the version of VirtualBox that's been detected.             100%[===========================================================================================>]  42,20K  --.-KB/s    in 0,1s    
  inflating: ApfsDriverLoader.efi    
  inflating: AppleImageLoader.efi    
  inflating: AppleUiSupport.efi      

stage: create_nvram_files

stage: create_macos_installation_files_viso
Creating EFI startup script

Creating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing the
installation files from

stage: create_basesystem_vdi
Converting to BaseSystem.dmg to BaseSystem.img

dmg2img v1.6.7 (c) vu1tur (

Catalina_BaseSystem.dmg --> Catalina_BaseSystem.img

opening partition 0 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 1 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 2 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 3 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 4 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 5 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 6 ...             100.00%  ok
opening partition 7 ...             100.00%  ok

Archive successfully decompressed as Catalina_BaseSystem.img
Converting from raw image file="Catalina_BaseSystem.img" to file="Catalina_BaseSystem.vdi"...
Creating dynamic image with size 2143301632 bytes (2045MB)...

stage: create_target_vdi
Creating macOS target system virtual disk image.
Medium created. UUID: f8f19a65-d58d-4459-83f1-09ee6d500c1b

stage: create_install_vdi
Creating Catalina installation media virtual disk image.
Medium created. UUID: e73c8390-706d-4b56-a2bf-b22ea291ebd9

stage: configure_vm

stage: populate_virtual_disks
Starting virtual machine macOS. This should take a couple of minutes.

Press enter when the Language window is ready.

Press enter when the macOS Utilities window is ready.

La première erreur que j’ai eu :

Je l’ai fixé en faisant :

$ sudo apt-get purge virtualbox-dkms && sudo apt-get install dkms
$ sudo /sbin/vboxconfig Stopping VirtualBox services. Starting VirtualBox services. Building VirtualBox kernel modules.

La seconde erreur que j’ai eu, et je ne sais pas comment la fixé … sniff.

C’est donc un echec pour moi, et pour vous ?

J’ai aussi essayé de désactivé l’EFI mais sans succès :

J’ai aussi essayé de changer de Chipset, et quand je suis en PII3X j’ai ceci :