Diaro App (PIXEL CRATER LTD) : DiaroBackup.xml : How to migrate data to JOPLIN ?

Link to Diaro App : https://diaroapp.com .

But to many tracking !!!

Link to JOPLIN : https://joplin.cozic.net/ , and the REST API : https://joplin.cozic.net/api/

Step 1 : Add in first ligne : <?xml version= »1.0″ encoding= »UTF-8″?> before <data> in file DiaroBackup.xml … it’s mandatory !

My note for REST API :

  1. Not possible to choose the ID on folder.
  2. Not possible to choose the ID on tags.
  3. Not possible to do PUT on note to add at the end of text : [](:/ID_RESOURCE). The syntax : PUT /ressources/ID_RESSOURCE/notes/ID_NOTE?token=…” . It’s more simple ….
  4. Not possible to add ID of tags instead text on Notes (POST).
  5. Not possible to create NOTE with « user_created_time » (POST) , it’s mandatory to do PUT.
  6. Not possible to change « user_updated_time » with PUT.

After install python3 ( it’s easy … and run this script), note put your token in the script.

# Version 5 
# for Python 3
#   ARIAS Frederic
#   Sorry ... It's difficult for me the python :)

import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from time import gmtime, strftime
import time
import json
import requests
import os

strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
start = time.time()

ip = ""
port = "41184"
token = "Put your token here"

nb_import = 0;
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}

url_notes = (
url_folders = (
url_tags = (
url_ressources = (

Diaro_UID = "12345678901234567801234567890123"
Lat = {}
Lng = {}
UID = {} 
TAGS = {}
Lat[""] = ""
Lng[""] = ""

payload = {
    "title":"Diaro Import"

    #resp = requests.post(url_folders, json=payload)
    resp = requests.post(url_folders, data=json.dumps(payload, separators=(',',':')), headers=headers)
    resp_dict = resp.json()
    print("My ID")
    Diaro_UID_real = resp_dict['id']
    save = str(resp_dict['id'])
    UID[Diaro_UID]= save
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
    print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
    print("Network error:", e)

print("Start : Parse Table")
tree = etree.parse("./DiaroBackup.xml")
for table in tree.iter('table'):
    name = table.attrib.get('name')
    myorder = 1
    for r in table.iter('r'):
         myuid = ""
         mytitle = ""
         mylat = ""
         mylng = ""
         mytags = ""
         mydate = ""
         mydate_ms = 0;
         mytext = ""
         myfilename = ""
         myfolder_uid = Diaro_UID
         mylocation_uid = ""
         myprimary_photo_uid = ""
         myentry_uid = ""
         myorder += 1
         nb_import += 1
         for subelem in r:
             if (subelem.tag == 'uid'):
                 myuid = subelem.text
                 print ("myuid",myuid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'entry_uid'):
                 myentry_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("myentry_uid",myentry_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'primary_photo_uid'):
                 myprimary_photo_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("myprimary_photo_uid",myprimary_photo_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'folder_uid'):
                 myfolder_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("myfolder_uid",myfolder_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'location_uid'):
                 mylocation_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("mylocation_uid",mylocation_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'date'):
                 mydate = subelem.text
                 mydate_ms = int(mydate)
                 print ("mydate",mydate," in ms",mydate_ms)
             if (subelem.tag == 'title'):
                 mytitle = subelem.text
                 print ("mytitle",mytitle)
             if (subelem.tag == 'lat'):
                 mylat = subelem.text
                 print ("mylat",mylat)
             if (subelem.tag == 'lng'):
                 mylng = subelem.text
                 print ("mylng",mylng)
             if (subelem.tag == 'tags'):
                 mytags = subelem.text
                 if mytags:
                 print ("mytags",mytags)
             if (subelem.tag == 'text'):
                 mytext = subelem.text
                 print ("mytext",mytext)
                 #if type(mytext) == str:
                       #mytext = mytext.encode('utf8')
             if (subelem.tag == 'filename'):
                 myfilename = subelem.text
                 print ("myfilename",myfilename)
         if (name == 'diaro_folders'):
            payload_folder = {
                #resp = requests.post(url_folders, json=payload_folder)
                resp = requests.post(url_folders, data=json.dumps(payload_folder,separators=(',',':')), headers=headers)
                resp_dict = resp.json()
                save = str(resp_dict['id']) 
                UID[myuid]= save
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
                print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                print("Network error:", e)

         if (name == 'diaro_tags'):
            payload_tags = {
                #resp = requests.post(url_tags, json=payload_tags)
                resp = requests.post(url_tags, data=json.dumps(payload_tags,separators=(',',':')), headers=headers)
                resp_dict = resp.json()
                UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
                TAGS[myuid] = mytitle
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
                print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                print("Network error:", e)

         if (name == 'diaro_attachments'):
            print("Push : "+myfilename)
            filename = "media/photo/" + myfilename

            cmd = "curl -F 'data=@"+filename+"' -F 'props={\"title\":\""+myfilename+"\"}' http://"+ip+":"+port+"/resources?token="+token
            resp = os.popen(cmd).read()
            respj = json.loads(resp)
            UID[myuid]= respj['id']

            print("Link : ",myuid," => ",myentry_uid," // ",UID[myuid]+" => ",UID[myentry_uid])

            # Not possible : sniff !
            #cmd = "curl -X PUT http://"+ip+":"+port+"/ressources/"+UID[myuid]+"/notes/"+UID[myentry_uid]+"?token="+token
            #resp = os.popen(cmd).read()
            #print (resp)

            url_link = (
               resp = requests.get(url_link)
               resp_dict = resp.json()
               mybody= resp_dict['body']
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
               print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
               print("Network error:", e)

            mybody = mybody + "\n  ![" + myfilename + "](:/" + UID[myuid] + ")   \n";
            payload_note = {
               resp = requests.put(url_link, json=payload_note)
               resp_dict = resp.json()
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
               print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
               print("Network error:", e)

         if (name == 'diaro_locations'):
              Lat[myuid] = mylat
              Lng[myuid] = mylng

         if (name == 'diaro_entries'):
            if not mytext:
                  mytext = ""
            if not myfolder_uid:
                  myfolder_uid = Diaro_UID
            if not mytags:
                  mytags = ""
            if not mylocation_uid:
                  mylocation_uid = ""
            mytext = mytext.replace("'", "")
            mytitle = mytitle.replace("'", "")
            mytext = mytext.strip("\'")
            mytitle = mytitle.strip("\'")
            mytext = mytext.strip('(')
            mytitle = mytitle.strip('(')
            listtags = mytags.split(",")
            new_tagslist = "";
            for uid_tags in listtags:
                 if (len(uid_tags) > 2):
                        if uid_tags in UID:
                             new_tagslist = new_tagslist + TAGS[uid_tags] + ",";
            print ("TAGS",mytags,"==>",new_tagslist);
            if (len(Lat[mylocation_uid]) > 2):
              payload_note = {
              payload_note_put = {
               payload_note = {
               payload_note_put = {

            url_notes_put = (
                resp = requests.post(url_notes, json=payload_note)
                #resp = requests.post(url_notes, data=json.dumps(payload_note,separators=(',',':')), headers=headers)
                resp_dict = resp.json()
                UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
                print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                print("Network error:", e)

                resp = requests.put(url_notes_put, json=payload_note_put)
                resp_dict = resp.json()
                UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
                print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                print("Network error:", e)
            print ("------------- Note -----------------")

print("End : Parse Diaro")

strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
done = time.time()
elapsed = done - start

# END : Ouf ...

Diaro App : DiaroBackup.xml : How to parse in python ? (Draft n°2)

(See the finale release : https://www.cyber-neurones.org/2019/02/diaro-app-pixel-crater-ltd-diarobackup-xml-how-to-migrate-data-to-joplin/ )

I have issue with ressources (link between ressources and notes) …. error 404. The logs in : .config/joplin-desktop/log-clipper.txt

....: "Request: PUT /ressources/71dd2cba2af54c4ebb53fb7fd8d0543b/notes/cbbc6076b2ac321ccae1f036a2fe6659?token=...."
....: "Error: Not Found
Error: Not Found
    at Api.route (/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app/lib/services/rest/Api.js:103:41)
    at execRequest (/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app/lib/ClipperServer.js:147:39)
    at IncomingMessage.request.on (/Applications/Joplin.app/Contents/Resources/app/lib/ClipperServer.js:185:8)
    at emitNone (events.js:105:13)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:207:7)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1045:12)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)"

My last code :

# Version 2 
# for Python 3
#   ARIAS Frederic
#   Sorry ... It's difficult for me the python :)

#from lxml import etree
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from time import gmtime, strftime
import time
import json
import requests
import os

strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
start = time.time()

ip = ""
port = "41184"
token = "ABCD123ABCD123ABCD123ABCD123ABCD123"

url_notes = (
url_folders = (
url_tags = (
url_ressources = (

Diaro_UID = "12345678901234567801234567890123"
Lat = {}
Lng = {}
UID = {} 
TAGS = {}
Lat[""] = ""
Lng[""] = ""

payload = {
    "id": Diaro_UID,
    "title": "Diaro Import"

    resp = requests.post(url_folders, json=payload)
    resp_dict = resp.json()
    print("My ID")
    Diaro_UID_real = resp_dict['id']
    save = str(resp_dict['id'])
    UID[Diaro_UID]= save
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
    print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
    print("Network error:", e)

print("Start : Parse Table")
tree = etree.parse("./DiaroBackup.xml")
for table in tree.iter('table'):
    name = table.attrib.get('name')
    myorder = 1
    for r in table.iter('r'):
         myuid = ""
         mytitle = ""
         mylat = ""
         mylng = ""
         mytags = ""
         mydate = ""
         mydate_ms = 0;
         mytext = ""
         myfilename = ""
         myfolder_uid = Diaro_UID
         mylocation_uid = ""
         myprimary_photo_uid = ""
         myentry_uid = ""
         myorder += 1
         for subelem in r:
             if (subelem.tag == 'uid'):
                 myuid = subelem.text
                 print ("myuid",myuid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'entry_uid'):
                 myentry_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("myentry_uid",myentry_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'primary_photo_uid'):
                 myprimary_photo_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("myprimary_photo_uid",myprimary_photo_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'folder_uid'):
                 myfolder_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("myfolder_uid",myfolder_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'location_uid'):
                 mylocation_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("mylocation_uid",mylocation_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'date'):
                 mydate = subelem.text
                 mydate_ms = int(mydate)
                 print ("mydate",mydate," in ms",mydate_ms)
             if (subelem.tag == 'title'):
                 mytitle = subelem.text
                 print ("mytitle",mytitle)
                 #if type(mytitle) == str:
                    #mytitle = mytitle.encode('utf8')
             if (subelem.tag == 'lat'):
                 mylat = subelem.text
                 print ("mylat",mylat)
             if (subelem.tag == 'lng'):
                 mylng = subelem.text
                 print ("mylng",mylng)
             if (subelem.tag == 'tags'):
                 mytags = subelem.text
                 if mytags:
                 print ("mytags",mytags)
             if (subelem.tag == 'text'):
                 mytext = subelem.text
                 print ("mytext",mytext)
                 #if type(mytext) == str:
                       #mytext = mytext.encode('utf8')
             if (subelem.tag == 'filename'):
                 myfilename = subelem.text
                 print ("myfilename",myfilename)
         if (name == 'diaro_folders'):
            payload_folder = {
  "id": myuid,
  "title": mytitle,
  "parent_id": Diaro_UID_real
                resp = requests.post(url_folders, json=payload_folder)
                resp_dict = resp.json()
                save = str(resp_dict['id']) 
                UID[myuid]= save
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
                print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                print("Network error:", e)

         if (name == 'diaro_tags'):
            payload_tags = {
                "id": myuid,
                "title": mytitle
                resp = requests.post(url_tags, json=payload_tags)
                resp_dict = resp.json()
                UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
                TAGS[myuid] = mytitle
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
                print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                print("Network error:", e)

         if (name == 'diaro_attachments'):
            payload_ressource = {
                "id": myuid
            filename = "./media/photo/"+myfilename
            files = {'document': open(filename, 'rb')}
            files2 = {'data': open(filename, 'rb')}
            files3 = {'data': open(filename, 'rb'), 'props': payload_ressource}
            data_ressource = {
                 "title": myfilename
            multiple_files = [
                ('data', (myfilename, open(filename, 'rb'))),
                ('props', data_ressource)]
            headers = {'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data'}
            print("Push : "+filename);
            #print os.path.isfile(filename)
               #resp = requests.post(url_ressources, files=filename, json=payload_ressource)
               #resp = requests.post(url_ressources, files=files, json=payload_ressource, headers=headers) 
               #resp = requests.post(url_ressources, files=files2, headers=headers)
               #resp = requests.post(url_ressources, files=files2, headers=headers)
               #resp = requests.post(url_ressources,files = {'data' : (myfilename, open(filename, 'rb'), 'image/jpg')}, data = {'id' : myuid}, headers=headers)
               #resp = requests.post(url_ressources,files = files2, data= data_ressource, headers=headers)
               #resp = requests.post(url_ressources,files = multiple_files, headers=headers)
               #resp = requests.post(url_ressources,files = multiple_files)
               #if (resp.status_code == requests.codes.ok):
               #    resp_dict = resp.json()
               #    print(resp_dict)
               #    print(resp_dict['id'])
               #    UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
            #except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
               #print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            #except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
               #print("Network error:", e)

            cmd = "curl -F 'data=@"+filename+"' -F 'props={\"title\":\""+myfilename+"\"}' http://"+ip+":"+port+"/resources?token="+token
            resp = os.popen(cmd).read()
            respj = json.loads(resp)
            #resp_dict = respj.json() 
            UID[myuid]= respj['id']

            print("Link : ",myuid," => ",myentry_uid," // ",UID[myuid]+" => ",UID[myentry_uid])

            cmd = "curl -X PUT http://"+ip+":"+port+"/ressources/"+UID[myuid]+"/notes/"+UID[myentry_uid]+"?token="+token
            resp = os.popen(cmd).read()
            print (resp)
            #url_link = (
            #   "http://"+ip+":"+port+"/ressources/"+UID[myuid]+"/notes/"+UID[myentry_uid]+"?"
            #   "token="+token
            #   )
            #  resp = requests.post(url_link)
            #   #time.sleep(1)
            #   resp.raise_for_status()
            #   resp_dict = resp.json()
            #   print(resp_dict)
            #   print(resp_dict['id'])
            #   UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
            #except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
            #   print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            #except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            #   print("Network error:", e)

         if (name == 'diaro_locations'):
              Lat[myuid] = mylat
              Lng[myuid] = mylng

         if (name == 'diaro_entries'):
            if not mytext:
                  mytext = ""
            if not myfolder_uid:
                  myfolder_uid = Diaro_UID
            if not mytags:
                  mytags = ""
            if not mylocation_uid:
                  mylocation_uid = ""
            mytext = mytext.replace("'", "")
            mytitle = mytitle.replace("'", "")
            mytext = mytext.strip("\'")
            mytitle = mytitle.strip("\'")
            mytext = mytext.strip('(')
            mytitle = mytitle.strip('(')
            listtags = mytags.split(",")
            new_tagslist = "";
            for uid_tags in listtags:
                 if (len(uid_tags) > 2):
                        if uid_tags in UID:
                             new_tagslist = new_tagslist + TAGS[uid_tags] + ",";
            print ("TAGS",mytags,"==>",new_tagslist);
            payload_note = {
                "id": myuid,
                "latitude": Lat[mylocation_uid],
                "longitude": Lng[mylocation_uid],
                "tags": new_tagslist,
                "parent_id": UID[myfolder_uid],
                "title": mytitle,
                #"created_time": mydate_ms,
                "user_created_time": mydate_ms,
                "user_updated_time": mydate_ms,
                "author": "Diaro",
                "body": mytext 
                resp = requests.post(url_notes, json=payload_note)
                resp_dict = resp.json()
                UID[myuid]= resp_dict['id']
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
                print("Bad HTTP status code:", e)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                print("Network error:", e)

print("End : Parse Table")

strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
done = time.time()
elapsed = done - start

# END : Ouf ...

Diaro App : DiaroBackup.xml : How to parse in python ? (Draft n°1)

(See the finale release : https://www.cyber-neurones.org/2019/02/diaro-app-pixel-crater-ltd-diarobackup-xml-how-to-migrate-data-to-joplin/ )

Step 1: Add in first ligne : <?xml version= »1.0″ encoding= »UTF-8″?> before <data> in file DiaroBackup.xml … it’s mandatory !

I use REST API to insert in JOPLIN : https://joplin.cozic.net/api/ , it’s good documentation.

Here my first release in Python to import data from Diaro App Backup to Joplin API :

# Version 1  
#   ARIAS Frederic
#   Sorry ... It's difficult for me the python :)

from urllib2 import unquote
from lxml import etree
import os
from time import gmtime, strftime
import time

strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
start = time.time()

print("Start : Parse Table")
tree = etree.parse("./DiaroBackup.xml")
for table in tree.xpath("/data/table"):
print("End : Parse Table")

ip = ""
port = "41184"
#token = "ABCD123ABCD123ABCD123ABCD123ABCD123"
token = "blablabla"
cmd = 'curl http://'+ip+':'+port+'/notes?token='+token
print cmd

Diaro_UID = "12345678901234567801234567890123"
Lat = {}
Lng = {}
Lat[""] = ""
Lng[""] = ""
cmd = 'curl --data \'{ "id": "'+Diaro_UID+'", "title": "Diaro Import"}\' http://'+ip+':'+port+'/folders?token='+token
print cmd

print("Start : Parse Table")
tree = etree.parse("./DiaroBackup.xml")
for table in tree.iter('table'):
    name = table.attrib.get('name')
    print name
    myorder = 1
    for r in table.iter('r'):
         myuid = ""
         mytitle = ""
         mylat = ""
         mylng = ""
         mytags = ""
         mydate = ""
         mytext = ""
         myfilename = ""
         myfolder_uid = Diaro_UID
         mylocation_uid = ""
         myprimary_photo_uid = ""
         myentry_uid = ""
         myorder += 1
         for subelem in r:
             if (subelem.tag == 'uid'):
                 myuid = subelem.text
              	 print ("myuid",myuid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'entry_uid'):
                 myentry_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("myentry_uid",myentry_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'primary_photo_uid'):
                 myprimary_photo_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("myprimary_photo_uid",myprimary_photo_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'folder_uid'):
                 myfolder_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("myfolder_uid",myfolder_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'location_uid'):
                 mylocation_uid = subelem.text
                 print ("mylocation_uid",mylocation_uid)
             if (subelem.tag == 'date'):
                 mydate = subelem.text
                 print ("mydate",mydate)
             if (subelem.tag == 'title'):
                 mytitle = subelem.text
                 print ("mytitle",mytitle)
		 print type(mytitle)
                 if type(mytitle) == unicode:
			mytitle = mytitle.encode('utf8')
             if (subelem.tag == 'lat'):
                 mylat = subelem.text
                 print ("mylat",mylat)
             if (subelem.tag == 'lng'):
                 mylng = subelem.text
                 print ("mylng",mylng)
             if (subelem.tag == 'tags'):
                 mytags = subelem.text
                 if mytags:
                 print ("mytags",mytags)
             if (subelem.tag == 'text'):
                 mytext = subelem.text
                 print ("mytext",mytext)
                 if type(mytext) == unicode:
                        mytext = mytext.encode('utf8')
             if (subelem.tag == 'filename'):
                 myfilename = subelem.text
                 print ("myfilename",myfilename)
         if (name == 'diaro_folders'):
              cmd = 'curl --data \'{ "id": "'+myuid+'", "title": "'+mytitle+'", "parent_id": "'+Diaro_UID+'"}\' http://'+ip+':'+port+'/folders?token='+token
              print cmd
         if (name == 'diaro_tags'):
              cmd = 'curl --data \'{ "id": "'+myuid+'", "title": "'+mytitle+'"}\' http://'+ip+':'+port+'/tags?token='+token
              print cmd
         if (name == 'diaro_attachments'):
              cmd = 'curl -F \'data=@media/photo/'+myfilename+'\'  -F \'props={"id":"'+myuid+'"}\' http://'+ip+':'+port+'/resources?token='+token
              print cmd
              cmd = 'curl -X PUT http://'+ip+':'+port+'/resources/'+myuid+'/notes/'+myentry_uid+'?token='+token
              print cmd
         if (name == 'diaro_locations'):
              Lat[myuid] = mylat
              Lng[myuid] = mylng
         if (name == 'diaro_entries'):
             if not mytext:
                  mytext = ""
             if not myfolder_uid:
                  myfolder_uid = Diaro_UID
             if not mytags:
                  mytags = ""
             if not mylocation_uid:
                  mylocation_uid = ""
             mytext = mytext.replace("'", "")
             mytitle = mytitle.replace("'", "")
             mytext = mytext.strip("\'")
             mytitle = mytitle.strip("\'")
             mytext = mytext.strip('(')
             mytitle = mytitle.strip('(')
             print type(mytext)
             cmd = 'curl --data \'{"latitude":"'+Lat[mylocation_uid]+'","longitude":"'+Lng[mylocation_uid]+'","tags":"'+mytags+'","parent_id":"'+myfolder_uid+'","id":"'+myuid+'","title":"'+mytitle+'", "created_time": "'+mydate+'", "body": "'+mytext+'"}\' http://'+ip+':'+port+'/notes?token='+token
             print cmd
print("End : Parse Table")

strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
done = time.time()
elapsed = done - start

But I don’t understand the API, I can force the id ( for exemple : 12345678901234567801234567890123 ):

curl --data '{ "id": "12345678901234567801234567890123", "title": "Diaro Import"}'
{"title":"Diaro Import","id":"73d15fe0b55e40dabea353b0f9d45547","updated_time":1549406274867,"created_time":1549406274867,"user_updated_time":1549406274867,"user_created_time":1549406274867,"type_":2}

Same issue with ressource :

curl -F 'data=@media/photo/photo_20181202_810728.jpg'  -F 'props={"id":"fe2a86a78bded44f18d6da73fff9a3e1"}'

And also all my notes are tags ?!

Logs of Joplin ( .config/joplin-desktop/log.txt ) , before import :

2019-02-05 23:25:51: "Running background sync on timer..."
2019-02-05 23:25:51: "Scheduling sync operation..."
2019-02-05 23:25:51: "Preparing scheduled sync"
2019-02-05 23:25:51: "Starting scheduled sync"
2019-02-05 23:25:51: "Operations completed: "
2019-02-05 23:25:51: "fetchingTotal: -"
2019-02-05 23:25:51: "Total folders: 8"
2019-02-05 23:25:51: "Total notes: 23"
2019-02-05 23:25:51: "Total resources: 35"

Logs of Joplin, after import (no information on Tags):

2019-02-06 00:28:49: "Scheduling sync operation..."
2019-02-06 00:28:49: "Preparing scheduled sync"
2019-02-06 00:28:49: "Starting scheduled sync"
2019-02-06 00:28:49: "Operations completed: "
2019-02-06 00:28:49: "createRemote: 2"
2019-02-06 00:28:49: "fetchingTotal: 2"
2019-02-06 00:28:49: "Total folders: 24"
2019-02-06 00:28:49: "Total notes: 460"
2019-02-06 00:28:49: "Total resources: 891"

But I don’t see any notes … but the note are on tags ?!

How to start the API :

And when you active the service, you see the port :

And not easy to contact the forum : https://discourse.joplin.cozic.net/t/diario-awesome-notes-webdavnav/1518/6

Diaro App : backup format

Le format est en XML : DiarioBackup.xml , la syntaxe est la suivante :

<data version="2">
<table name="diaro_folders">
<title>Nom du fichier</title>
<table name="diaro_tags">
<title>Nom du tags</title>
<table name="diaro_locations">
<table name="diaro_entries">
<table name="diaro_attachments">

Sachant qu’ensuite les photos dans dans le répertoire media/photo/ .

Mon but est de convertir cela en fichier .ENEX pour ensuite faire un import dans Joplin. J’ai vu un programme en Python assez intéressant : https://github.com/andrewheiss/nvalt2evernote « Convert plain text notes stored in Notational Velocity or nvALT to an .enex file to import into Evernote. »

A suivre.