C’est la mise à jours de l’article : https://www.cyber-neurones.org/2021/10/quels-sont-les-pays-des-ip-de-mon-fichier-etc-iptables-rules-v4-3/
J’ai plus d’IP filtrée :
# cat /etc/iptables/rules.v4 | grep "j DROP" | grep "INPUT" | wc -l
# cat /etc/iptables/rules.v4 | grep "j DROP" | grep "INPUT" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n 1 geoiplookup { } | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | sed -r 's/ GeoIP Country Edition://g'
1 AL, Albania
1 AR, Argentina
1 AT, Austria
1 BZ, Belize
1 CZ, Czech Republic
1 ES, Spain
1 GR, Greece
1 HK, Hong Kong
1 HU, Hungary
1 IE, Ireland
1 MD, Moldova, Republic of
1 PE, Peru
1 PH, Philippines
1 PS, Palestinian Territory
1 RO, Romania
1 TT, Trinidad and Tobago
1 UG, Uganda
2 DK, Denmark
2 IR, Iran, Islamic Republic of
2 MY, Malaysia
2 RS, Serbia
3 ID, Indonesia
3 IT, Italy
3 JP, Japan
3 MX, Mexico
3 SG, Singapore
3 TW, Taiwan
3 VN, Vietnam
4 BA, Bosnia and Herzegovina
4 BR, Brazil
4 TR, Turkey
5 EG, Egypt
5 SE, Sweden
6 GB, United Kingdom
8 FR, France
8 SC, Seychelles
9 KR, Korea, Republic of
10 CA, Canada
11 NL, Netherlands
12 DE, Germany
13 IN, India
17 RU, Russian Federation
29 IP Address not found
74 CN, China
177 US, United States
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