MacOS : 10.13.3 : Problème sur la mise à jours

Voici la mise à jours qui ne semble pas bien se faire : 10.13.4 :

Si je regarde dans /var/log/install.log, l’historique :

$ grep "Previous System Version" /var/log/install.log
2017-12-31 14:27:11+01 ... softwareupdated[369]: Previous System Version : (null), Current System Version : 10.13.2 (17C88)
2017-12-31 17:33:02+01 ... softwareupdated[237]: Previous System Version : 10.13.2 (17C88), Current System Version : 10.13.2 (17C88)
2018-01-11 16:10:00+01 .... softwareupdated[283]: Previous System Version : 10.13.2 (17C88), Current System Version : 10.13.2 (17C205)
2018-01-11 20:18:10+01 .... softwareupdated[453]: Previous System Version : 10.13.2 (17C205), Current System Version : 10.13.2 (17C205)
2018-01-24 08:02:53+01 .... softwareupdated[254]: Previous System Version : 10.13.2 (17C205), Current System Version : 10.13.2 (17C205)
2018-01-24 19:16:34+01 .... softwareupdated[242]: Previous System Version : 10.13.2 (17C205), Current System Version : 10.13.3 (17D47)
2018-02-23 09:24:26+01 .... softwareupdated[269]: Previous System Version : 10.13.3 (17D47), Current System Version : 10.13.3 (17D102)
2018-02-23 18:19:42+01 .... softwareupdated[507]: Previous System Version : 10.13.3 (17D102), Current System Version : 10.13.3 (17D102)
2018-04-14 14:01:10+02  .... softwareupdated[691]: Previous System Version : 10.13.3 (17D102), Current System Version : 10.13.3 (17D102)

La dernière mise à jour qui a fonctionnait était le 2018-02-23 09:24:26+01.

Pour avoir l’heure de la demande de reboot je regarde aussi dans /var/log/install.log

$ grep "Rebooting system after post-logout install" /var/log/install.log 
2018-01-11 15:27:03+01 ... Software Update[3509]: Rebooting system after post-logout install
2018-01-24 18:28:15+01 ... Software Update[3702]: Rebooting system after post-logout install
2018-02-23 08:40:42+01 ... Software Update[2690]: Rebooting system after post-logout install
2018-03-30 10:27:44+02 ... Software Update[1394]: Rebooting system after post-logout install
2018-03-31 10:00:21+02 ... Software Update[4265]: Rebooting system after post-logout install
2018-04-03 09:39:42+02 ... Software Update[2276]: Rebooting system after post-logout install
2018-04-06 15:33:10+02 ... Software Update[4120]: Rebooting system after post-logout install
2018-04-10 11:16:54+02 ... Software Update[1336]: Rebooting system after post-logout install
2018-04-12 10:24:54+02 ... Software Update[1160]: Rebooting system after post-logout install
2018-04-14 13:57:54+02 ... Software Update[3778]: Rebooting system after post-logout install

Je pense que c’est la troisième fois que j’essaye de faire cette mise à jours.

Au niveau des erreurs, si je regarde les erreurs après 2018-04-14 13:57:54+02  :

Erreur n°1 (en remontant):

  • 2018-04-14 14:01:03+02 … mbfloagent[345]: Photos: findURLToUpgrade /Users/…./Pictures/Bibliothèque Photos.photoslibrary, error: (null), upgradeType: 2

Erreur n°2 :

  • 2018-04-14 13:58:30+02 … diskmanagementd[260]: diskmanagement: [DMToolMountMisc _DAOperation_performsync_ :disk:options:mountpoint:arguments:asEUID:asEGID:timeoutSec:dissenter:dissenterPID:]: [un]mount failed: err=-69842 un0mt1=1 timeout=0 dissenter=1 dissenterpid=0 dissenterstatus=-119930868=0xf8da000c

Erreur n°3 :

  • 2018-04-14 13:57:53+02 … softwareupdated[240]: SoftwareUpdate: error on install of 091-76232: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 « Une erreur s‚Äôest produite pendant l‚Äôex√©cution des scripts du paquet ¬´¬†macOSUpd10.13.4.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg¬†¬ª. » UserInfo={SUErrorUpdateTitle=Mise √† jour de macOS¬†High¬†Sierra¬†10.13.4, NSURL=file:///Library/Updates/091-76232/macOSUpd10.13.4.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg,, NSLocalizedDescription=Une erreur s‚Äôest produite pendant l‚Äôex√©cution des scripts du paquet ¬´¬†macOSUpd10.13.4.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg¬†¬ª., SUErrorRelatedCode=SUErrorCodeInstallFailure, NSFilePath=replaceRecovery, SUErrorUpdateProductKey=091-76232}. Reporting statistics.

Erreur n°4 :

  • 2018-04-14 13:57:53+02 …  softwareupdated[240]: Changing status (_installProducts) for key 091-76232 from « installing » to « install error »

Erreur n°5 :

  • 2018-04-14 13:57:53+02 …  system_installd[3745]: PackageKit: Install Failed: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 « Une erreur s’est produite pendant l’exécution des scripts du paquet « macOSUpd10.13.4.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg ». » UserInfo={NSFilePath=replaceRecovery, NSURL=file:///Library/Updates/091-76232/macOSUpd10.13.4.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg,, NSLocalizedDescription=Une erreur s’est produite pendant l’exécution des scripts du paquet « macOSUpd10.13.4.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg ».} {    NSLocalizedDescription = « Une erreur s\U2019est produite pendant l\U2019ex\U00e9cution des scripts du paquet \U00ab\U00a0macOSUpd10.13.4.RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg\U00a0\U00bb. »;

Erreur n°6 : 

  • 2018-04-14 13:57:52+02 …  diskmanagementd[1392]: diskmanagement: [DMToolRecoveryPartition ensureRecoveryPartitionForVolume:]: at exit; err=-69832

Erreur n°7.1[un]mount failed: err=-69842

  • 2018-04-13 14:27:39+02 … softwareupdated[232]: SoftwareUpdate: Added background transaction [0x1] for macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 Update-
  • 2018-04-13 14:27:40+02 … diskmanagementd[2899]: diskmanagement: [DMToolMountMisc _DAOperation_performsync_:disk:options:mountpoint:arguments:asEUID:asEGID:timeoutSec:dissenter:dissenterPID:]: [un]mount failed: err=-69842 un0mt1=1 timeout=0 dissenter=1 dissenterpid=0 dissenterstatus=-119930868=0xf8da000c

Erreur n°7.2[un]mount failed: err=-69842

  • 2018-04-14 13:57:46+02 … softwareupdated[240]: SoftwareUpdate: Added foreground transaction [0x1] for macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 Update-
  • 2018-04-14 13:57:47+02 …  diskmanagementd[1392]: diskmanagement: [DMToolMountMisc _DAOperation_performsync_:disk:options:mountpoint:arguments:asEUID:asEGID:timeoutSec:dissenter:dissenterPID:]: [un]mount failed: err=-69842 un0mt1=1 timeout=0 dissenter=1 dissenterpid=0 dissenterstatus=-119930868=0xf8da000c

Je pense qu’il y a d’autres erreurs mais elles semblent être mineure.

On a l’impression que c’est un problème de disque dur, mais il y a de la place :

Par contre je retrouve de même code d’erreur avec diskutil :

$ diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *1.1 TB     disk0
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS Macintosh HD            1.0 TB     disk0s2
   3:                 Apple_Boot                         650.0 MB   disk0s3

$ diskutil cs list
No CoreStorage logical volume groups found

$ diskutil ap list
No APFS Containers found

$ diskutil verifyDisk disk0
Started partition map verification on disk0
Checking prerequisites
Checking the partition list
Checking the partition map size
Checking for an EFI system partition
Checking the EFI system partition's size
Checking the EFI system partition's file system
Checking the EFI system partition's folder content
Checking all HFS data partition loader spaces
Checking booter partitions
Checking booter partition disk0s3
Verifying file system
Problems were found with the partition map which might prevent booting
Error: -69846: Unrecognized file system

$ diskutil verifyVolume disk0s1
Started file system verification on disk0s1 EFI
Verifying file system
Volume is already unmounted
Performing fsck_msdos -n /dev/rdisk0s1
** /dev/rdisk0s1
** Phase 1 - Preparing FAT
** Phase 2 - Checking Directories
** Phase 3 - Checking for Orphan Clusters
7 files, 186265 KiB free (372530 clusters)
File system check exit code is 0
Restoring the original state found as unmounted
Finished file system verification on disk0s1 EFI

$ diskutil verifyVolume disk0s2
Started file system verification on disk0s2 Macintosh HD
Verifying file system
Volume could not be unmounted
Using live mode
Performing fsck_hfs -fn -l -x /dev/rdisk0s2
Performing live verification
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
Checking extents overflow file
Checking catalog file
Checking multi-linked files
Checking catalog hierarchy
Checking extended attributes file
Checking volume bitmap
Checking volume information
The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK
File system check exit code is 0
Restoring the original state found as mounted
Finished file system verification on disk0s2 Macintosh HD

$ diskutil verifyVolume disk0s3
Error starting file system verification for disk0s3: Unrecognized file system (-69846)

On dirait que c’est la 3ème partition (disk0s3 : Apple_Boot) qui pose problème … pourtant j’ai bien le pc qui boote correctement.

Il est aussi possible de faire toutes les actions en mode fenêtre, mais il n’y a pas d’erreur :

aucune erreur avec les fenêtres, car on est uniquement sur le disque disk0s2.

J’ai trouvé une erreur similaire :

mais pas vraiment de solution.


Une réflexion sur « MacOS : 10.13.3 : Problème sur la mise à jours »

  1. Sur mon MacBook Pro, j’ai ceci :
    $ diskutil list
    /dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
    0: GUID_partition_scheme *251.0 GB disk0
    1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
    2: Apple_APFS Container disk2 250.8 GB disk0s2

    /dev/disk1 (internal, physical):
    0: GUID_partition_scheme *480.1 GB disk1
    1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1
    2: Apple_HFS Data 479.8 GB disk1s2

    /dev/disk2 (synthesized):
    0: APFS Container Scheme – +250.8 GB disk2
    Physical Store disk0s2
    1: APFS Volume Macintosh HD 163.4 GB disk2s1
    2: APFS Volume Preboot 22.5 MB disk2s2
    3: APFS Volume Recovery 517.8 MB disk2s3
    4: APFS Volume VM 1.1 GB disk2s4

    Je n’ai pas de partition Apple_Boot .

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